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Our virtual fellowship meets once a Month. The first Saturday of the Month at 6:00pm-7:00pm Central Time. Presentations are 20-30 mins. long and we have discussions for the remaining time. Please review our guidelines.
Membership Guidelines:
Debate and contentious doctrinal topics are not allowed. Kindness and mutual respect for those who come from different denominational backgrounds is required. Universalism is our focus, based on scripture and the early church fathers.
Essentials: Harmony, Peace and Love.
This sacred community, founded on Jesus Christ's all-encompassing love, offers a refuge of peace and security for Patristic Universalism believers. Our collective aspiration is to uplift, educate, and inspire each other. Our goal is a harmonious and safe community. We are multi-denominational. Therefore, we respect everyone's journey, however different it may be from our own by accepting all, loving all, and encouraging all.
"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification."
--Romans 14:19
Copyright © Patristic Universalism
All Rights Reserved Content created by David and Wendy Burnfield
" And all humanity will see God’s salvation." Luke 3:6