Patristic Universalism: by David Burnfield
“Since reading this book, my overall love for Christ has increased as I am better able to see God's heart to all of His children- believers and unbelievers alike. Furthermore, I am now more able to display the true heart of our heavenly Father with regard to how I should love my neighbor as myself.” -Betty
“This has to be one of the best books written on the subject. Burnfield does a masterful job of stating the case for universalism. He does so by defining what Universalism is and showing that it was highly taught in the first several centuries of the Church. To listen to modern preachers and priests, one would hardly know that in the first three centuries, Universalism was the dominant belief in the Church.”- E.A. Hara
” This book definitely presents one of the clearest and most scriptural backed arguments for universalism. It has expanded my perspective on the bible and given fresh insights into the scary truth that universalism may not be so heretical after all. In the midst of an evangelical community that is up in arms against all traces of universalism, this book stands up and gives a clear, thought-provoking argument that makes clear that fact that perhaps we have jumped the gun and gotten far too dogmatic with our doctrines of hell.” -Stephen Morrison
“The author draws from the scriptures as well as from the early church leaders. It was enlightening to learn that ultimate Universal Salvation was believed and taught by many church fathers of the first four centuries or so after Jesus' ascension. Though I have for years leaned in the direction of ultimate universal redemption, I, like many, thought the teaching only surfaced openly in more recent times. It is encouraging to realize that one's belief in this truly good news was shared by such eminent teachers as presented in Patristic Universalism.” D. Ledbetter
“Using a tremendous amount of scriptural support but also a good dose of philosophy and common sense, this book presents to readers the faith once delivered to our early church brethren - that our God is a good and perfectly loving Father. That we come from love, are sustained by love and destined for love. ALL of us. This does not mean that Hell does not exist but rather that it is NOT unending and serves as a temporary means of loving correction. An inspiring read.” J. Herrera
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Content created by David and Wendy Burnfield